The Southern Africa Banking & ICT Summit 2015
Banking and ICT Summits has grown to become an essential event in the diaries and minds of Bankers, ICT professionals, Banking and ICT solution vendors from Africa and beyond. This year, Cyber Security Africa held its first summit of the year, “The Southern Africa Banking and ICT Summit” hosted in Lusaka Zambia attracting more than 250 participants from all over the world.
The summit concurrently hosted an exhibition that showcased innovative technologies and Banking solutions. Participants were delighted with the many speeches, presentations, discussions and special networking events, which demonstrated a new mood of determination to innovate and improve technologies. Dumped “ Harnessing the power of ICT” ,They described the summit as “invigorating,” “inspiring” and “exhilarating.” Click the topic links below to view presentations.
Time Topic Presenter Organization 09:15:00 AM "Key note Speaker and official opening" Mr. Milner Makuni Assistant Director Ministry of Transport, Works, Supply and Communication 9:45:00 AM "The Mechanics of CyberCrime" Mr. Kevin McKerr Security and Web Fraud Sales Leader IBM Africa 10:15:00AM "IT Infrastructure Testing & Security” Mr. Charles Senior Security Consultant, Cyber Security Africa 10:45:00AM "NCR APTRA SELF-SERVICE SOFTWARE: The world’s leading financial self-service software platform" Mr. Samir Nassar Financial Services Software Sales Specialist MEA NCR Jordan 12:00:00 Noon Mr. Mofya Chisala Director Support Services Zambia ZICTA & President ICT Association of Zambia 12:30:00 PM “ICT drives business” Mr. Richard Maulana Head of Cloud Services Twenty Third Century Systems Zimbabwe 14.30.00 PM "The Growth of Information Technology innovation in the Zambia Banking Sector" Mr. Leonard Mwanza Chief Executive Officer Zambia Bankers Association 15.00.00pm “Digital Forensics” Mr. Moonga Mumba President ISACA Zambia Chapter 15.30.00PM "Systems Integration Made Easy" Mr. Felix Mulei ICT Consultant, Eclectics International Ltd, Kenya